Collection of Illustrations
These are concept projects only and are not intended to be representative of a real and/or existing entity.
Editorial Illustrations
Coursework: AiPOD, Editorial Illustration Year: 2017 Purpose: Explore Different Styles of Illustration

John Grisham, Pen & Ink

Robert Downey, Jr., Markers

Political (Donald Trump), Watercolor

Blended Digital
Graphic Illustration
Coursework: AiPOD, Graphic Illustration Year: 2016 Purpose: Explore Different Styles of Illustration
Projects focused on the application of design elements in a stylized illustration. Attention to detail and rendering techniques will be emphasized and refined.

Intermediate Illustration
Coursework: AiPOD, Intermediate Illustration Year: 2016 Purpose: Explore Different Styles of Illustration
Project was to focus on various applications of media and techniques in conjunction with concept development, research, and references. Drawing, designing, and painting skills will be further refined through illustrative compositions. Contemporary illustrators and their techniques will also be discussed and studied.